everything has a story behind it..a story worth telling....a story worth listening...n here's mine..

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Whooaa.. How good it feels to be back to blogging.. Its been a really long time since i have blogged my last post and so.. Please excuse me if its nt upto the mark.. Heres wot made me remember this old blog of mine..

Its been some time nw since me and my frnd have been debating over old vs. new cars.. So he sent me a 5 pointer of why he would buy a old car rather than a swanky new one.. And i was pretty fast in cmng up with 5 points why i wud never buy a old one.. N my 5 pointer ended up being so good, that he askd me why i stopped writing on my blog years ago.. Thats wot triggered this blog of mine..

I hope to keep updating this blog more often now and keep u all posted.. Bt before that i need to change my 'occupation' on blogger from 'student' to a 'chartered accountant'.. Ahhh.. So mch has changed since the last time i blogged.. I am a working professional now and its all good at the moment.. Hope God keeps smiling on me and all of us like this always..

Catch ya guys later.. Good night

P.S. Thanks Siddharth Panicker for getting me bck to writing!! 

Sunday 29 July 2012

Friendship, Love , Life..umm...woteve !!

         You getup everyday, get ready..run to catch an auto for your class,end up reaching late every time, rush to your office..put in hours of work, come back home..sometimes too tired to care what is going around at home. And just when you are almost sure that life has become monotonously boring ,it hits you with a surprise. sometimes in your life you come across people who are hardly like you.They have different hobbies, a different life, different career, a completely different way of dealing with things but as you spend more and more time with them you learn that the key to maintaining that relationship is to find the love in all the craziness, some care in all the questioning & some effort to keep that relationship working behind every patch-up. If you have ever come across such a relationship in your life make every effort to keep it the way it is. Eventually you will realize that it was all worth the effort.
          With time, people around you will try & label that relationship..they will keep nagging you until they hear what they want to hear. But seriously chuck all those people. sometimes, i guess, its okay if you can't find the right word to describe your feelings or the relationship.Because, ultimately, its not the name that matters, what matters is the effort you are ready to put in to keep it going, what matters is the how much both of you are willing to do for each other, what matters is how amazing it feels to do things together, go on walks and rides after a long working day.
           Believe me, hold onto such things in your life, tell that other person how much they mean, be there to hear things they have to say, Give them some space when they need it (if you matter they will come back to you), get to know about them and there past - it will tell u a great deal about why they handle their relationships the way they do now..and most importantly find that one thing you will always be willing to hold onto when all the other things seem absolutely crazy. Because in the end, you will always remember all the amazing times you had together more than the disagreements you had. So seriously it doesn't matter what the world has to say, what matters is what you have to say about each other !!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

The lovable devil in my life !!

Since the last week I have been sleeping over my problems n doing dat made me irritated n rude…and like always people around u realize d change in your behavior… n den a frnd of mine told me that sharing problems with ur elder sis does help, bcoz elders are good at caring…hearing dat I was lyk …nah I can’t do dat…I don’t want to do dat…bt den I gave in..n half n hour later i realized how grateful I should be to god for giving me such an amazing sister…
A sister really is sum1 who will irritate you, fight with you, will feel like killing u at times bt she will never let anyone else do that to you..its lyk she is the only one who has the privilege of being bad to you bt still the only one to know all your habits n the only one who chooses to love you inspite of all the crap that u give her…
I really am blessed to have a sister like that…someone who has always stood by me, has been my undisputed crime partner, someone who has loved n trusted me even when I myself didn’t… she has been my mirror all my life, showing me my true colours, someone who knows my tears even in the darkest of the rooms, someone without whose shoes, dresses, scarf’s, bags n cosmetics I cant live …she is someone who is exactly like you but still different in her own wayz..she will silently watch your every action, like an angel specially sent by god to look after you.
So if u have a sister or a brother , learn to value and respect them..trust me, dey will be your strongest support, dey will see the good in every bad of yours, they are the ones who will understand u wen ur mom n dad don’t, they are the only ones who will be smiling when u are telling a story because they exactly know where the decoration has been added, they will be the only ones with whom you can share all your family jokes n feuds n laugh at your relatives..they are the only ones with whom you can share your stupid fears n still they wont judge you..they will interfere, criticize, fight, hit and love u….all at the same time..they are your best friends who will never leave you no matter how ugly the fight gets…so hold on this relation…never let go of it…because for the world you may grow old but for them u will always be der lil sibling they have to look after..because it’s a relation that travels beyond time..

P.S. – This article is a special gift to my sister on valentines day !!

Monday 30 January 2012

The other side of us....

Arnd six n half yrs back my parents gve me the shock of my life...they wer planning to shift to mulund..i cudnt believe my ears..i cudnt imagine leavng my frnds, my school, my house n shift to a totally different place..its difficult to do dat..its difficult to start ur life afresh...d first mnth at my new society was d wrst in my life...bt den i met dis gang calld d "jpm gang...a gang know for its stupidity, 4 its craziness....bt i wud beg to differ....d more u vl get to knw us d more u vl realize dat each one of us has a spectacularly diff personality..diff prespectives abt life..bt our love for eachodr is what keeps us ticking is .. for a third person v r d laughing gang, d troublemakers, the nautankis bt for us v r eachothers life..eachodrs strength..fr an outsider v r lyk nrml girls..bt believe me v dnt fight much instead v choose to laugh, v dont spend hrs gossiping abt guyz instead v prefer to take long walks, v dont discuss cosmetics or dresses instead v believe in partyng, v dont gift eachodr expensive things instead v prefer showing love n care for eachodr every passing day bcoz we believe lukng out for eachodr is a more treasurd gift, v dnt discuss eachodrs flaws instead v prefer to b eachodrs strengths, v dnt cry ovr lost love or breakups instead v choose to move on, v dnt throw attitude at eachodr instaed v choose to let go,v dont hide things frm our parents instead v choose to hav fun wid dem, v dont believe in gng for movies n watch dem v total strangers instead v choose to watch dem on a laptop(13 of us staring at d small screen..replayng d same dialogue again n again n laughng so loud dat d neighbours hav to remid us dat every1 else is sleepng) v love spending tym wid eachodr instaed of watchng tv or talkng on phone..as grown ups each one of us has a diffrnt dream, a different life n a different path to walk...lyk every1 else even v r busy running behind things bt what makes us diff is dat once in a while to dnt forget to turn around and watchout for eachodr...v dnt forget to respect eachodr...v all knw dat wer ever v go in our life v vl always be jst a phn call apart...bcoz v r eachodrs lil bit of childhood dat can nvr b lost...

Believe me 6 n half yrs back wen i met dese girls i was lyk..omg dis is d wrst thng dat can happen to me..bt 6 n half yrs dwn d lane m lyk..omg...it cant get bettr dan dis..

I believe every1 of us shd hav such ppl arnd us...ppl who vl brng out d best in u, who vl nvr let d child in u die...who vl know d xact reason behind ur every smile n tear..who vl fght with u, scold u bt love n pamper u lyk der own family....

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Through the Wilderness...Sahyankan 2011

One cosy november afternoon as i was sitting in my room reading a book n sipping some coffee my phone suddenly ranged...a friend of mine had called up to remind me about paying my money for sahyankan...nw u all must be wondering what is this sahyankan all about...so here it is...it's a 5 day long trek wherein u cover around 4-5 mountains walking n climbing through the jungles n forests njoying the cool breeze, the freshness of the air n some tp wid ur gang members...its complete fun....there is no television to entertain you, no internet connection to connect you with the world , or no fb walls to update ur status bt there is nature to accompany you, there are unbeaten paths and  lovely little villages along the way, there are ppl wid you whose only aim is to reach the top of the mountain and see the world from above, there are ppl of all age grps ( n believe me  dat u can have fun wid ppl of all age grps if u decide so)..trust me wen is say dat nuthing can beat the joy of playing cricket at the top of the mountain with ur batchmates n the village boyss........its a complete pleasure to reach the top after a tiring day n sip hot tasty soups while njoyng the sunset and the december coolnes..this times sahyankan path was a little off beat (bt still total amazing one)...climbing the ghat we reached dhakoba & there it was..the cutest campsite with 6-7 tents ( there cudn't have been anything more rewarding)with the hangover of the cute campsite, the star gazing nite n the eagerness to reach the next halt we startd our walk the nxt morning and reached ahupe only to be welcomed by hot soups ,yummy food n a cold eve. with complete satisfaction we got into our sleeping bags dat nite only to be awakened 5 hrs later by our leader( i wish i cud hit him for dat) with our bags packed n food parceld we were walking again to reach siddhagad to njoy its steep climb. the next day it was bhimashankar calling  us followed by padargad.....walking through the thick forest of bhimashankar n the rock patch of padargad only to reach the top n realize dat there isn't a single tree at the top of padargad....many ppl i knw call dis stupidity or a waste of tym bt we at CHAKRAM call it PASSION for trekking.....an unsatiable passion...a passion dat binds us all together..a passion which has given us life long memories.. a passion that keeps us going !!!!!

Photo courtesy: Vishmita Agarwal

Monday 19 December 2011

EveRytHng d@t MaTters Under tHe $un: the beautiful childhood...

EveRytHng d@t MaTters Under tHe $un: the beautiful childhood...: Well from whatever few things I have read about love I have always felt friendship is the 1 st step towards love and that your best fri...

EveRytHng d@t MaTters Under tHe $un: L.I.F.E

EveRytHng d@t MaTters Under tHe $un: L.I.F.E: I do really believe dat each life is a collection of lil lives lived everyday...everyday is a new birth ,a new start a new opportunity to li...