everything has a story behind it..a story worth telling....a story worth listening...n here's mine..

Monday 30 January 2012

The other side of us....

Arnd six n half yrs back my parents gve me the shock of my life...they wer planning to shift to mulund..i cudnt believe my ears..i cudnt imagine leavng my frnds, my school, my house n shift to a totally different place..its difficult to do dat..its difficult to start ur life afresh...d first mnth at my new society was d wrst in my life...bt den i met dis gang calld d "jpm gang...a gang know for its stupidity, 4 its craziness....bt i wud beg to differ....d more u vl get to knw us d more u vl realize dat each one of us has a spectacularly diff personality..diff prespectives abt life..bt our love for eachodr is what keeps us ticking is .. for a third person v r d laughing gang, d troublemakers, the nautankis bt for us v r eachothers life..eachodrs strength..fr an outsider v r lyk nrml girls..bt believe me v dnt fight much instead v choose to laugh, v dont spend hrs gossiping abt guyz instead v prefer to take long walks, v dont discuss cosmetics or dresses instead v believe in partyng, v dont gift eachodr expensive things instead v prefer showing love n care for eachodr every passing day bcoz we believe lukng out for eachodr is a more treasurd gift, v dnt discuss eachodrs flaws instead v prefer to b eachodrs strengths, v dnt cry ovr lost love or breakups instead v choose to move on, v dnt throw attitude at eachodr instaed v choose to let go,v dont hide things frm our parents instead v choose to hav fun wid dem, v dont believe in gng for movies n watch dem v total strangers instead v choose to watch dem on a laptop(13 of us staring at d small screen..replayng d same dialogue again n again n laughng so loud dat d neighbours hav to remid us dat every1 else is sleepng) v love spending tym wid eachodr instaed of watchng tv or talkng on phone..as grown ups each one of us has a diffrnt dream, a different life n a different path to walk...lyk every1 else even v r busy running behind things bt what makes us diff is dat once in a while to dnt forget to turn around and watchout for eachodr...v dnt forget to respect eachodr...v all knw dat wer ever v go in our life v vl always be jst a phn call apart...bcoz v r eachodrs lil bit of childhood dat can nvr b lost...

Believe me 6 n half yrs back wen i met dese girls i was lyk..omg dis is d wrst thng dat can happen to me..bt 6 n half yrs dwn d lane m lyk..omg...it cant get bettr dan dis..

I believe every1 of us shd hav such ppl arnd us...ppl who vl brng out d best in u, who vl nvr let d child in u die...who vl know d xact reason behind ur every smile n tear..who vl fght with u, scold u bt love n pamper u lyk der own family....


  1. Excellent! Miss u so much... :)

  2. Appu...kya baat...u really write so well....keep up d gud work...masst

  3. Appu Good writeup keep it up. Small suggestion develop a habit of writing English in english not the modern english. it will develop your (nt u r) writing ability because there is a writer in you.
