everything has a story behind it..a story worth telling....a story worth listening...n here's mine..

Tuesday 26 July 2011

the awsome monsoons...

The windy weather,the cool climate n d downpour...this is wot makes june to september the perfect months....n if u r living in mumbai,well life is nuthng less than a roller coaster...
 U get up in the morning to the sound of the rain hitting hard on ur window glass n the thunderous lightning....it makes d start of ur day dull n lazy...u switch on the TV hoping for the news channel to declare d day as a public holiday, bt NO , its MUMBAI....city dat never sleeps. so there u r , still in ur pyjamas with a tooth brush in ur mouth staring at the watch..n bang hits the reality..u r already running late...with break-neck speed u get ready  n dash out of the house ur mom shouting behind u , ensuring dat u hav taken everything......u reach downstairs with umbrella in 1 hand n bag n sum IMPORTANT papers in another hand n as usual u dont find a auto...u reach d station late n miss ur 10:03 fast local...sumhw powering ovr the rains u reach ur office..half wet,half tried n profusely sweating..aftr wrking around the clock wen u leave ur office u realise dat its has been rainig all day n the trains are hardly running n there are rivers on the road...bt its the mumbai spirit that doesnt let u down..holding hands, helping eachother , falling down ,taking lifts u conquer the rains n reach home cursing the rains..
      bt inspite of all dis wen u hear the word monsoon wot u remember is the cool breeze , the lovely green nature , the hot pakodas , the roadside corn ,the cutting chai , the monsoon picnic , the getting wet in the rains , the chai party at ur friends house n nt to forget the walk at marine drive....n dats y even aftr cursing the rains year aftr year mumbai waits for its arrival !!

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